"Preparation Through Proper Training"
Additional Courses 1
(Page 1)Basic Auto Theft for Security Officers
Security officers encounter hundreds, if not thousands, of motor vehicles while performing routine duties such as patrolling parking lots of shopping centers and residential complexes.
On diverse occasions, security officers are required to search vehicles prior to entry of government facilities and transportation centers.
With specialized training, security officers could be the link in detecting stolen motor vehicles and communicating their findings to police agencies.
Security officers attending this program will be able to:
Basic crisis intervention for security officers
In Hollywood movies, police operations are often put on hold until a hostage/crisis negotiator arrives on the scene.
After that, all other personnel are pushed aside. In real life, this couldn’t be further from what actually occurs.
Trained hostage negotiators rely on various personnel regardless of their mission at the scene.
Police negotiators are trained to keep the hostage taker talking to anyone with whom he has established rapport, whether this is a civilian or a security officer
In this course, security officers will receive an overview of hostage/crisis negotiations and how to contain, isolate and negotiate with hostage takers before police personnel arrive on scene.
Security officers attending this program will learn:
Other Courses for Security Officers (Page 2)